FUNNC user grand program

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  • source:AMANCIO CNC Machining
Grand program can finish the user a series of instructions of some function stock memory in that way like the subprogram, with total instruction comes they, when using, need to give out only this total instruction can execute its function. L place stocks this a series of instructions -- grand program L calls the user the instruction of grand program -- -- macroinstruction L characteristic: Use variable one. Variable expression and use (one) variable expresses # I(I=1, 2, 3, ... ) or # [< posture > ] exemple: # 5, # 109, # 501, # [1 + of # # 2 - 12] (2) variable use 1. Variable date or formulary format appoint at the back of address word: > of word of address of < of I of # of > of < address word - > of word of address of < of # I [< posture > ] exemple: F # 103, set # 103 = are F15 Z 15 times - # 110, set # 110 = are Z 250 times - 24 + of 250 X[# 18 * of # COS[# 1]] 2. Variable date can replace with variable exemple: # [# 30] , set 30 = of # 3 3 3 that it is # . Variable cannot use address O, n, I exemple: O # allows below undermentioned method 1; 2   of I # 6.

00 × 100.

3   of 0; N # Z200.

0; 4. The variable of correspondence of variable date place, to every address, have specific scale routine: 30 = of # 1100 when, criterion M # 30 it is unallowed 5. # 0 for empty variable, the variable of variable without the definition value also is empty variable 6. Variable is worth a definition: When the program is defined, can omit decimally, exemple: Clavier of 123 = 149 MDI is defeated by # one. Variable sort 1.

# of 1~ of local and variable # is a 33 in grand program local use variable example:   of   of   of   of   of   of grand program of B of   of   of   of   of A grand program...   of   of   of   of   of       ... 10 = of # of   of   of       # of X of   of   of   of 20     10 do not express   of   of   of   of X20     ... , call grand process times to enter variable value 2.

# of 100~ of communal and variable # 149, # 500~ # 531 each users the public variable exemple inside grand program: On the # in the exemple 10 convert # 100 when, the   X # in B grand program 100 express # of 100~ of X20 # # of 500~ of empty # of the 149 Qing Dynasty after cutting off the power 531 maintain model variable (after cutting off the power, do not lose) 3.

Systematic variable secures the variable of utility, its value depends on condition precedent of the system: 2001 values of # fill for a knife 5221 values of # of   of   of cost of X axis compensation are origin of workpiece of X axis G54 to slant buy value is fashionable must input decimally, decimally the unit when omiting is μ M one. The right of type of operation instruction operation can be J of the # in type of constant, variable, function, posture, # K also can be type of variable date, operation for constant posture right 1. Define J 2 of # of # I = . J of # of I= of # of K of # of J+ of # of I= of arithmetic manipulation # - K 3 of # of / of J of # of I= of # of K of # of * of J of # of I= of # of # K. K 4 of # of JAND of # of = of I of # of K of # of JXOK of # of = of I of # of K of # of JOK of # of = of I of logistic operation # . J] of # of ATAN[of = of I of tangential # of J] of # of TAN[of = of I of # of Yu Xian of J] of # of COS[of = of I of # of sine of J] of # of SIN[of = of function # I cuts J] of # of SQRT[of # I = anyway ROUND[of = of # I of absolute value of J] of # of ABS[of = of I of square root # # . Explain 1) angle unit is degree of exemple: 90 degrees it is 30 minutes 90. Two sides after 2)ATAN function are 5 degrees long should use " 1 " lie between create a precedent: 1 = of # ATAN[1] / [- when 1] , # 1 for 35. 0 3)ROUND is used at the address in the statement, the unit of the smallest set that presses each district location has round routine: Set # 1 = 1. 2345, 2 = of # 2. 3456, set unit X of   of 1 μ M G91 - # 1; X - 1. 235 X - 2   of # F300; X - 2. 1 + of 346 X[# # 2] ; X3. 580 did not return former office, should # 2]] of ROUND[of + of 1] of instead X[ROUND[# ; 4) takes the absolute value after rectifying to go up greatly than primary value take whole, take whole example to fall conversely: Set # 1 = 1. 2, 2 = of # - 1. 2 when be like # when 3 = FUP[#1] , criterion 3 = of # 2. 0 be like # when 3 = FIX[#1] , criterion 3 = of # 1. 0 be like # when 3 = FUP[#2] , criterion 3 = of # - 2. 0 be like # when 3 = FIX[#2] , criterion 3 = of # - 1. When function of 0 5) instruction, can write begin only 2 letters exemple: → of function of first step of → FI 6) of ROUND → RO FIX is multiplied except (* , 1, AND) → is added decrease (+ , - , OR, XOR) exemple: 1 = of # 2 + of # 3 * of # SIN[# 4] ; 7) bracket is in bracket, most 5 heavy, garden bracket uses at annotate statement exemple: 1 = of # SIN[[[#2+#3]*#4+#5]*#6] ; (3 heavy) one. Move and loop dictate 1. Termless move format: GOTO   1; GOTO   # 10; 2. The condition changes a pattern: Type of condition of N of   of GOTO of   of = of > of type of IF[< condition: K of # of EQ of # J   states K of # of NE of   of = # J states K of # of GT of   of ≠ # J states K of # of LT of   of > # J states K of # of GE of   of < # J states K of # of LE of   of ≥ # J represents ≤ example: 1   of IF[#   of GOTO of   of GT   10] 100; ... 691   of   of G00 of   of N100 of       X10; Exemple: Beg 1 to O9500 of   of   of 10 the sum; 1 = of # 2 = of # of   of 0     of IF of   of N1 of   of 1   [2   of # 1 = of # of   of   of 2 of   of GT10]   GOTO 1 + of # # 2; 2 = of # 2 + of # 1; M301 of   of N2 of   of   of GOTO   1. Circular format: M of   of DO of = of > of type of WHILE[< condition; (M = 1, 2, 3) ... ... ... ENDm explains: 1. When the condition is contented, executive DOm arrives ENDm, criterion when the dissatisfaction of   of block     from DOm is sufficient, executive DOm arrives the   of block     of ENDm 2. Omit WHILE statement has DOm only... ENDm, arrive from DOm between ENDm form   of   of dead loop   3. Nest 4. When EQ   NE, sky and " 0 " below different and other condition, sky and " 0 " same routine: Beg 1 to O0001 of   of   of   of 10 the sum; 1 = of # 0; 2 = of # 1; WHILE   [# 2LE10]   DO1; 1 = of # 1 + of # # 2; 2 = of # 2 + of # # 1; END1; M30; CNC Milling CNC Machining